Mercedes Dash Cover

2007 Mercedes E-Class 1

     The Mercedes is a luxury car brand and those that buy them want to ensure that they stay looking new. But not everyone has a garage for the Mercedes to stay in. For those that don’t have a garage that puts the car at risk for sun damage of all types. The damage could occur at the paint or even the interior as the sun still comes through the windows and can fade out the dash which is hard and expensive to replace. Because of this concern over the dash fading over time the company has come up with a solution to ensure that the dash is protected even when the customer doesn’t have a garage to park in. The solution is a dash cover that Mercedes has come out with that unlike anything else that would be ill fitting, bulky, and may not fit properly this is made to fit only the Mercedes brand of cars and protect the dash from sun exposure and damage while the car is in park. This item can be bought at the time of purchase for the Mercedes or it can be purchased separately but it is an extra and does not automatically come with the car. In order to get one for those that have a Mercedes and not a dash cover one has several options: to either go to the local dealership and have them order you one, or go online and do some research to find out where you can get one there. When it comes to which is better it really is all about preference the dealership may be more expensive you really just have to call and ask first but if you don’t like making purchases online they may be your only option. For those that are online shoppers it would be very easy to make a quick Google search and go from there.

For more, please check Mercedes dash cover.




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